Everyone has a photographic memory, some just don't have film.
Silence is silver, but music is gold....
I didn't lose my mind...... I sold it on Ebay.
Normal people worry me
If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving isn't for you
Access denied- nah nah na nah nah

Monday, June 21, 2010

Back home

Well, my trip to the great northwoods has come to an end. We leave for home tomorrow. Today was a quiet, uneventful day. Ahh the relaxation. Peace and loon calls hehe. After hanging out around the cabin my family and I rounded up and went out to the Tiki Bar for some Euchre! So fun! Then we went out to eat and came home for a peaceful rest of the night. Right at this very second I am watching Degrassi- and typing this.

btw- I would add pics but the computer won't let me :-(


  1. Awesome writing. Felt like I was right there with you for your fun weekend...oops - guess I WAS right there. He he.

    Love you,
